Source code for bentoml.container

User facing python APIs for building a OCI-complicant image.

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import shutil
import sys
import typing as t

from simple_di import Provide
from simple_di import inject

from ._internal.configuration.containers import BentoMLContainer
from ._internal.container import build as _internal_build
from ._internal.container import (
    construct_containerfile as _internal_construct_containerfile,
from ._internal.container import get_backend
from ._internal.container import health
from ._internal.container import register_backend
from .exceptions import BentoMLException

    from ._internal.bento import BentoStore
    from ._internal.container import DefaultBuilder
    from ._internal.container.base import ArgType
    from ._internal.tag import Tag
    from ._internal.types import PathType

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def build(
    bento_tag: Tag | str,
    backend: t.Literal["docker"] = ...,
    image_tag: tuple[str, ...] | None = ...,
    features: t.Sequence[str] | None = ...,
    file: PathType | None = ...,
    context_path: PathType | None = ...,
    add_host: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    build_arg: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    cache_from: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    disable_content_trust: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    iidfile: PathType | None = ...,
    isolation: t.Literal["default", "process", "hyperv"] | None = ...,
    label: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    network: str | None = ...,
    no_cache: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    output: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    platform: str | ArgType = ...,
    progress: t.Literal["auto", "tty", "plain"] = ...,
    pull: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    quiet: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    secret: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    ssh: str | ArgType = ...,
    target: str | ArgType = ...,
    **kwargs: t.Any,
) -> t.Any: ...

def build(
    bento_tag: Tag | str,
    backend: t.Literal["buildctl"] = ...,
    image_tag: tuple[str] | None = ...,
    features: t.Sequence[str] | None = ...,
    file: PathType | None = ...,
    context_path: PathType | None = ...,
    output: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    progress: t.Literal["auto", "tty", "plain"] | ArgType = ...,
    trace: PathType | None = ...,
    local: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    frontend: str | None = ...,
    no_cache: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    export_cache: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    import_cache: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    secret: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    allow: str | ArgType = ...,
    ssh: str | ArgType = ...,
    metadata_file: PathType | None = ...,
    opt: tuple[str, ...] | dict[str, str | tuple[str, ...]] | None = ...,
    **kwargs: t.Any,
) -> t.Any: ...

def build(
    bento_tag: Tag | str,
    backend: t.Literal["buildx"] = ...,
    image_tag: tuple[str] | None = ...,
    features: t.Sequence[str] | None = ...,
    file: PathType | None = ...,
    tag: tuple[str] | None = ...,
    context_path: PathType = ...,
    add_host: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    attest: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    allow: str | ArgType = ...,
    build_arg: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    build_context: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    builder: str | None = ...,
    cache_from: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    cache_to: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    cgroup_parent: PathType | None = ...,
    iidfile: PathType | None = ...,
    label: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    load: bool = True,
    metadata_file: PathType | None = ...,
    network: str | None = ...,
    no_cache: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    no_cache_filter: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    output: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    platform: str | ArgType = ...,
    progress: t.Literal["auto", "tty", "plain"] = "auto",
    provenance: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    pull: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    push: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    quiet: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    sbom: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    secret: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    shm_size: int | None = ...,
    ssh: str | ArgType = ...,
    target: str | None = ...,
    ulimit: str | dict[str, tuple[int, int]] | ArgType = ...,
    **kwargs: t.Any,
) -> t.Any: ...

def build(
    bento_tag: Tag | str,
    backend: t.Literal["nerdctl"] = ...,
    image_tag: tuple[str] | None = ...,
    features: t.Sequence[str] | None = ...,
    file: PathType | None = ...,
    tag: tuple[str] | None = ...,
    context_path: PathType = ".",
    build_arg: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    buildkit_host: str | None = ...,
    cache_from: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    cache_to: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    iidfile: PathType | None = ...,
    ipfs: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    label: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    no_cache: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    output: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    platform: str | ArgType = ...,
    progress: t.Literal["auto", "tty", "plain"] | ArgType = ...,
    quiet: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    rm: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    secret: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    ssh: str | ArgType = ...,
    target: str | None = ...,
    # global flags
    address: str | None = ...,
    host: str | None = ...,
    cgroup_manager: str | None = ...,
    cni_netconfpath: PathType | None = ...,
    cni_path: PathType | None = ...,
    data_root: PathType | None = ...,
    debug: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    debug_full: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    hosts_dir: str | ArgType = ...,
    insecure_registry: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    namespace: str | None = ...,
    snapshotter: str | None = ...,
    storage_driver: str | None = ...,
    **kwargs: t.Any,
) -> t.Any: ...

def build(
    bento_tag: Tag | str,
    backend: t.Literal["podman"] = ...,
    image_tag: tuple[str] | None = ...,
    features: t.Sequence[str] | None = ...,
    file: PathType | None = ...,
    context_path: PathType | None = ...,
    add_host: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    all_platforms: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    annotation: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    label: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    arch: str | None = ...,
    authfile: PathType | None = ...,
    build_arg: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    build_context: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    cache_from: str | None = ...,
    cache_to: str | None = ...,
    cache_ttl: str | None = ...,
    cap_add: str | ArgType = ...,
    cap_drop: str | ArgType = ...,
    cert_dir: PathType | None = ...,
    cgroup_parent: PathType | None = ...,
    cgroupns: str | None = ...,
    cpp_flag: ArgType = ...,
    cpu_period: int | None = ...,
    cpu_quota: int | None = ...,
    cpu_shares: int | None = ...,
    cpuset_cpus: str | None = ...,
    cpuset_mems: str | None = ...,
    creds: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    decryption_key: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    device: str | ArgType = ...,
    disable_compression: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    dns: str | None = ...,
    dns_option: str | ArgType = ...,
    dns_search: str | ArgType = ...,
    env: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    force_rm: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    format: str | t.Literal["docker", "oci"] | None = ...,
    hooks_dir: str | ArgType = ...,
    http_proxy: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    identity_label: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    ignorefile: PathType | None = ...,
    iidfile: PathType | None = ...,
    ipc: str | PathType | None = ...,
    isolation: str | None = ...,
    jobs: int | None = ...,
    layers: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    logfile: PathType | None = ...,
    manifest: str | None = ...,
    memory: str | None = ...,
    memory_swap: str | None = ...,
    network: str | None = ...,
    no_cache: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    no_hosts: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    omit_history: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    os: str | None = ...,
    os_feature: str | None = ...,
    os_version: str | None = ...,
    pid: PathType | None = ...,
    platform: str | ArgType = ...,
    output: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    pull: t.Literal[
        True, False, "always", "true", "missing", "never", "false", "newer"
    ] = False,
    quiet: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    rm: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    retry: int | None = ...,
    retry_delay: int | None = ...,
    runtime: PathType | None = ...,
    runtime_flag: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    secret: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    security_opt: str | ArgType = ...,
    shm_size: str | None = ...,
    sign_by: str | None = ...,
    skip_unused_stages: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    squash: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    squash_all: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    ssh: str | ArgType = ...,
    stdin: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    target: str | None = ...,
    timestamp: int | None = ...,
    tls_verify: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    ulimit: str | dict[str, tuple[int, int]] | ArgType = ...,
    unsetenv: str | ArgType = ...,
    userns: str | None = ...,
    userns_gid_map: str | tuple[str, str, str] | None = ...,
    userns_gid_map_group: str | None = ...,
    userns_uid_map: str | tuple[str, str, str] | None = ...,
    userns_uid_map_user: str | None = ...,
    uts: str | None = ...,
    variant: str | None = ...,
    volume: str | tuple[str, str, str] | None = ...,
    **kwargs: t.Any,
) -> t.Any: ...

def build(
    bento_tag: Tag | str,
    backend: t.Literal["buildah"] = ...,
    image_tag: tuple[str] | None = ...,
    features: t.Sequence[str] | None = ...,
    context_path: PathType = ...,
    file: PathType | None = ...,
    tag: tuple[str] | None = ...,
    add_host: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    annotation: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    label: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    arch: str | None = ...,
    authfile: PathType | None = ...,
    build_arg: dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    cache_from: str | None = ...,
    cap_add: str | ArgType = ...,
    cap_drop: str | ArgType = ...,
    cert_dir: PathType | None = ...,
    cgroup_parent: PathType | None = ...,
    cni_config_dir: PathType | None = ...,
    cni_plugin_path: PathType | None = ...,
    compress: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    cpu_period: int | None = ...,
    cpu_quota: int | None = ...,
    cpu_shares: int | None = ...,
    cpuset_cpus: str | None = ...,
    cpuset_mems: str | None = ...,
    creds: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    decryption_key: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    device: str | ArgType = ...,
    disable_compression: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    dns: str | None = ...,
    dns_option: str | ArgType = ...,
    dns_search: str | ArgType = ...,
    force_rm: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    format: str | t.Literal["docker", "oci"] | None = ...,
    http_proxy: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    ignorefile: PathType | None = ...,
    iidfile: PathType | None = ...,
    ipc: str | PathType | None = ...,
    isolation: str | None = ...,
    jobs: int | None = ...,
    layers: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    logfile: PathType | None = ...,
    manifest: str | None = ...,
    memory: str | None = ...,
    memory_swap: str | None = ...,
    network: str | None = ...,
    no_cache: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    os: str | None = ...,
    pid: PathType | None = ...,
    platform: str | ArgType = ...,
    pull: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    pull_always: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    pull_never: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    quiet: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    rm: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    runtime: PathType | None = ...,
    runtime_flag: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    secret: str | dict[str, str] | ArgType = ...,
    security_opt: str | ArgType = ...,
    shm_size: str | None = ...,
    sign_by: str | None = ...,
    squash: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    ssh: str | ArgType = ...,
    stdin: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    target: str | None = ...,
    timestamp: int | None = ...,
    tls_verify: t.Literal[True, False] = ...,
    ulimit: str | dict[str, tuple[int, int]] | ArgType = ...,
    userns: str | None = ...,
    userns_gid_map_group: str | None = ...,
    userns_uid_map_user: str | None = ...,
    uts: str | None = ...,
    variant: str | None = ...,
    volume: str | tuple[str, str, str] | None = ...,
    **kwargs: t.Any,
) -> t.Any: ...

[docs] @inject def build( bento_tag: Tag | str, backend: DefaultBuilder = "docker", image_tag: tuple[str] | None = None, features: t.Sequence[str] | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], **kwargs: t.Any, ) -> t.Any: """ Build any given BentoML into a OCI-compliant image. .. code-block:: python import bentoml bento = bentoml.get("pytorch_vgg:latest"), backend='podman', features=["grpc", "tracing"]) Args: bento_tag: Bento tag in format of ``NAME:VERSION`` backend: The backend to use for building the image. Current supported builder backends include ``docker``, ``podman``, ``buildah``, ``nerdctl``, ``buildctl``, and ``buildx``. .. note:: ``buildx`` is a syntatic sugar for ``docker buildx build``. See The reason for this is that ``buildx`` used to be the default behaviour of ``bentoml containerize``. image_tag: Optional additional image tag to apply to the built image. features: Optional features to include in the container file. See :ref:`concepts/bento:Python packages` for additional BentoML features. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to pass to the builder backend. Refer to the above overload for each of the supported arguments per backend. """ from ._internal.container import determine_container_tag # Run healthcheck if not health(backend): raise BentoMLException("Backend %s is not healthy." % backend) if "tag" not in kwargs: kwargs["tag"] = determine_container_tag(bento_tag, image_tag=image_tag) bento = _bento_store.get(bento_tag)"Building OCI-compliant image for %s with %s\n", bento.tag, backend) return _internal_build(bento_tag, backend, features=features, **kwargs)
[docs] @inject def get_containerfile( bento_tag: Tag | str, output_path: str | None = None, enable_buildkit: bool = True, features: t.Sequence[str] | None = None, _bento_store: BentoStore = Provide[BentoMLContainer.bento_store], ): """ Returns the generated container file for a given Bento. Note that the container file (Dockerfile) inside the Bento is minimal, whereas this utility functions returns the container file that :ref:`bentoml containerize <reference/cli:containerize>` will be using. .. note:: If ``output_path`` is not specified, then the contents of the container file will be printed out to ``sys.stderr``. If provided, then the final container file will be written to that given path. Args: bento_tag: Given tag for the bento. output_path: Optional output path to write the final container file to. Note that if ``output_path`` is a directory, then the targeted file will be ``output_path + os.sep + "<bento_tag>.dockerfile"``. enable_buildkit: Whether the container file contains BuildKit syntax. features: Optional features to include in the container file. See :ref:`concepts/bento:Python packages` for additional BentoML features. """ bento = _bento_store.get(bento_tag) with _internal_construct_containerfile( bento, enable_buildkit=enable_buildkit, features=features, add_header=True, ) as (_, final_containerfile): if output_path is not None: if os.path.isdir(output_path): output_path = output_path = os.path.join( output_path, f"{bento.tag.path().replace(os.sep,'_')}.dockerfile" ) "Writting Containerfile for '%s' to '%s'.", bento.tag, output_path ) shutil.copyfile(final_containerfile, output_path) return # otherwise we will just write this to stderr. with open(final_containerfile, "r") as f: sys.stderr.write(
__all__ = ["build", "health", "register_backend", "get_backend", "get_containerfile"]