Stable Diffusion XL with LCM LoRAs#

Latent Consistency Models (LCM) offer a new approach to enhancing the efficiency of the image generation workflow, particularly when applied to models like Stable Diffusion (SD) and Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL). To futher to deliver high-quality inference outcomes within a significantly reduced computational timeframe within just 2 to 8 steps, LCM LoRA is proposed as a universal acceleration module for SD-based models.

This document explains how to deploy SDXL with LCM LoRA weights using BentoML.

All the source code in this tutorial is available in the BentoLCM GitHub repository.


  • Python 3.8+ and pip installed. See the Python downloads page to learn more.

  • You have a basic understanding of key concepts in BentoML, such as Services. We recommend you read Quickstart first.

  • To run this BentoML Service locally, you need a Nvidia GPU with at least 12G VRAM.

  • (Optional) We recommend you create a virtual environment for dependency isolation. See the Conda documentation or the Python documentation for details.

Install dependencies#

Clone the project repository and install all the dependencies.

git clone
cd BentoLCM
pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a BentoML Service#

Create a BentoML Service in a file to wrap the capabilities of the SDXL model with LCM LoRA weights. You can use this example file in the cloned project:
import bentoml
from PIL.Image import Image

model_id = "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0"
lcm_lora_id = "latent-consistency/lcm-lora-sdxl"

sample_prompt = "close-up photography of old man standing in the rain at night, in a street lit by lamps, leica 35mm summilux"

    traffic={"timeout": 300},
        "gpu": 1,
        "gpu_type": "nvidia-l4",
class LatentConsistency:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        from diffusers import DiffusionPipeline, LCMScheduler
        import torch

        self.lcm_txt2img = DiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained(
        self.lcm_txt2img.scheduler = LCMScheduler.from_config(self.lcm_txt2img.scheduler.config)"cuda", dtype=torch.float16)

    def txt2img(
            prompt: str = sample_prompt,
            num_inference_steps: int = 4,
            guidance_scale: float = 1.0,
    ) -> Image:
        image = self.lcm_txt2img(
        return image

A breakdown of the Service code:

  • Uses the @bentoml.service decorator to define a Service called LatentConsistency. It includes service-specific configurations such as timeout settings, the number of workers, and resources (in this example, GPU requirements on BentoCloud).

  • Loads and configures the SDXL model, LoRA weights, and the LCM scheduler during initialization. The model is moved to a GPU device for efficient computation.

  • Exposes the txt2img method as a web API endpoint, making it callable via HTTP requests. It accepts a text prompt, the number of inference steps, and a guidance scale as inputs, all of which provide default values. These parameters control the image generation process:

    • prompt: The textual description based on which an image will be generated.

    • num_inference_steps: The number of steps the model takes to refine the generated image. A higher number can lead to more detailed images but requires more computation. Using 4 to 6 steps for this example should be sufficient. See this Hugging Face blog post to learn the difference among images created using different steps.

    • guidance_scale: A factor that influences how closely the generated image should adhere to the input prompt. A higher value may affect the creativity of the result.

Run bentoml serve to start the BentoML server.

$ bentoml serve service:LatentConsistency

2024-02-19T07:20:29+0000 [WARNING] [cli] Converting 'LatentConsistency' to lowercase: 'latentconsistency'.
2024-02-19T07:20:29+0000 [INFO] [cli] Starting production HTTP BentoServer from "service:LatentConsistency" listening on http://localhost:3000 (Press CTRL+C to quit)

The server is active at http://localhost:3000. You can interact with it in different ways.

curl -X 'POST' \
    'http://localhost:3000/txt2img' \
    -H 'accept: image/*' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --output output.png \
    -d '{
    "prompt": "close-up photography of old man standing in the rain at night, in a street lit by lamps, leica 35mm summilux",
    "num_inference_steps": 4,
    "guidance_scale": 1

The Service returns the image as a Path object. You can use it to access, read, or process the file. In the following example, the client saves the image to the path /path/to/save/image.png.

For more information, see Clients.

import bentoml
from pathlib import Path

with bentoml.SyncHTTPClient("http://localhost:3000") as client:
    result_path = client.txt2img(
        prompt="close-up photography of old man standing in the rain at night, in a street lit by lamps, leica 35mm summilux",

    destination_path = Path("/path/to/save/image.png")

Visit http://localhost:3000, scroll down to Service APIs, specify the parameters, and click Execute.


Expected output:


Deploy to BentoCloud#

After the Service is ready, you can deploy the project to BentoCloud for better management and scalability. Sign up for a BentoCloud account and get $10 in free credits.

First, specify a configuration YAML file (bentofile.yaml) to define the build options for your application. It is used for packaging your application into a Bento. Here is an example file in the project:

service: "service:LatentConsistency"
  owner: bentoml-team
  project: gallery
- "*.py"
  requirements_txt: "./requirements.txt"

Create an API token with Developer Operations Access to log in to BentoCloud, then run the following command to deploy the project.

bentoml deploy .

Once the Deployment is up and running on BentoCloud, you can access it via the exposed URL.



For custom deployment in your own infrastructure, use BentoML to generate an OCI-compliant image.