Create online API Services¶

BentoML Services are the core building blocks for BentoML projects, allowing you to define the serving logic of machine learning models. This page explains BentoML Services.

Service definitions¶

BentoML Services are defined using class-based definitions. Each class represents a distinct Service that can perform certain tasks, such as preprocessing data or making predictions with an ML model. You use the decorator @bentoml.service to annotate a class, indicating that it is a BentoML Service. By convention, you define a Service (or multiple Services) in a file. For more information, see Service decorator.

Here is a Service definition example from Hello world.

from __future__ import annotations
import bentoml
from transformers import pipeline

    resources={"cpu": "2"},
    traffic={"timeout": 10},
class Summarization:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        # Load model into pipeline
        self.pipeline = pipeline('summarization')

    def summarize(self, text: str) -> str:
        result = self.pipeline(text)
        return result[0]['summary_text']

Methods within the class which are defined as accessible HTTP API endpoints are decorated with @bentoml.api. This makes them callable when the Service is deployed.


This Service downloads a pre-trained model from Hugging Face. It is possible to use your own model within the Service class. For more information, see Load and manage models.

Test the Service code¶

Test your Service by using bentoml serve, which starts a model server locally and exposes the defined API endpoint.

bentoml serve <service:class_name>

By default, the server is accessible at http://localhost:3000/. Specifically, bentoml serve does the following:

  • Turns API code into a REST API endpoint. POST is the default HTTP method.

  • Manages the lifecycle of the Service instance defined.

  • Creates a URL route based on the method name. In this example, it is http://localhost:3000/summarize. This route can be customized.

Service configurations¶

You use the @bentoml.service decorator to specify Service-level configurations like resource requirements and timeout. These configurations are applied both when you serve the Service locally and deploy the resulting Bento on BentoCloud (or the Bento image as containers in environments like Kubernetes). For example:

    resources={"memory": "500MiB"},
    traffic={"timeout": 10},
class Summarization:
    # Service definition here

All configuration fields are optional with default values. This allows for fine-tuning and optimization of Services according to specific use cases and deployment environments.

Service APIs¶

The @bentoml.api decorator in BentoML is a key component for defining API endpoints for a BentoML Service. This decorator transforms a regular Python function into an API endpoint by providing it with additional capabilities needed to function as a web API endpoint:

def summarize(self, text: str) -> str:
    result = self.pipeline(text)
    return result[0]['summary_text']

You can customize the input and output logic of the Service API. See Define input and output types to learn more.

Custom route path¶

Each API endpoint has a unique route (URL path). By default, the route is derived from the function name, but you can customize it using the route parameter.

def summarize(self, text: str) -> str:
    result = self.pipeline(text)
    return result[0]['summary_text']

Inference context¶

You can retrieve the context of an inference call by adding bentoml.Context to the Service API function. This parameter allows you to access information about the incoming request (like client headers) and also modify the outgoing response (like setting response headers, cookies, or HTTP status codes). Additionally, you can read and write to the global state dictionary via the ctx.state attribute, which is a per-worker dictionary that can be read and written across API endpoints.

def summarize(self, text: str, ctx: bentoml.Context) -> str:
    # Get request headers
    request_headers = ctx.request.headers

    result = self.pipeline(text)

    # Set response headers, cookies, and status code
    ctx.response.status_code = 202
    ctx.response.cookies = [

    # Add a custom header to the response
    ctx.response.headers.append("X-Custom-Header", "value")

    return result[0]['summary_text']

Lifecycle hooks¶

BentoML’s lifecycle hooks provide a way to insert custom logic at specific stages of a Service’s lifecycle.

  • Deployment hooks (@bentoml.on_deployment): Execute global setup actions before Service workers are spawned. They run only once regardless of the number of workers, ideal for one-time initializations.

  • Shutdown hooks (@bentoml.on_shutdown): Run cleanup logic when a BentoML Service is shutting down. They enable tasks such as closing connections and releasing resources to ensure a graceful shutdown.

You use decorators to set lifecycle hooks. For details, see Configure lifecycle hooks.

Synchronous and asynchronous APIs¶

APIs in a BentoML Service can be defined as either synchronous functions or asynchronous coroutines in Python.

Basic usage¶

For synchronous logic, BentoML creates a pool of workers of optimal size to handle the execution. Synchronous APIs are straightforward and suitable for most of the model serving scenarios. Here’s an example of a synchronous API:

 @bentoml.service(name="iris_classifier", resources={"cpu": "200m", "memory": "512Mi"})
 class IrisClassifier:
     iris_model = bentoml.models.get("iris_sklearn:latest")
     preprocessing = bentoml.depends(Preprocessing)

     def __init__(self):
         import joblib

         self.model = joblib.load(self.iris_model.path_of("model.pkl"))

     def classify(self, input_series: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
         return self.model.predict(input_series)

However, for scenarios where you want to maximize performance and throughput, synchronous APIs may not suffice. Asynchronous APIs are ideal when the processing logic is IO-bound and async model execution is supported. Here is an example:

 import bentoml

 from vllm import AsyncEngineArgs, AsyncLLMEngine, SamplingParams
 from typing import Optional, AsyncGenerator, List

 SAMPLING_PARAM = SamplingParams(max_tokens=4096)
 ENGINE_ARGS = AsyncEngineArgs(model='meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-chat-hf')

 @bentoml.service(workers=1, resources={"gpu": "1"})
 class VLLMService:
     def __init__(self) -> None:
         self.engine = AsyncLLMEngine.from_engine_args(ENGINE_ARGS)
         self.request_id = 0

     async def generate(self, prompt: str = "Explain superconductors like I'm five years old", tokens: Optional[List[int]] = None) -> AsyncGenerator[str, None]:
         stream = await self.engine.add_request(self.request_id, prompt, SAMPLING_PARAM, prompt_token_ids=tokens)
         self.request_id += 1
         async for request_output in stream:
             yield request_output.outputs[0].text

The asynchronous API implementation is more efficient because when an asynchronous method is invoked, the event loop becomes available to serve other requests as the current request awaits method results. In addition, BentoML automatically configures the ideal amount of parallelism based on the available number of CPU cores. This eliminates the need for further event loop configuration in common use cases.


Avoid implementating blocking logic within asynchronous APIs, since such operations can block the IO event loop, preventing health check endpoints like /readyz from functioning properly.

Convert synchronous to asynchronous¶

For machine learning inference tasks, though traditionally executed synchronously, may require asynchronous execution for different reasons, such as:

  • Running tasks in parallel

  • Using resources like databases that support asynchronous connections

However, directly calling synchronous blocking functions within an asynchronous context is generally considered bad practice, as this can block the event loop, leading to decreased performance and responsiveness. In such cases, you can use the .to_async property of a Service, which allows you to convert synchronous methods of the Service to an asynchronous one. This can enable non-blocking execution and improve performance in IO-bound operations. Here is an example:

     traffic={"timeout": 600},
         "memory": "4Gi"
 class GreetingCardService:
     # Services StableLMService, SDXLTurboService, and XTTSService are previously defined
     # Retrieve these Services using `bentoml.depends` so that their methods can be called directly
     stablelm = bentoml.depends(StableLMService)
     sdxl = bentoml.depends(SDXLTurboService)
     xtts = bentoml.depends(XTTSService)

     async def generate_card(
             context: bentoml.Context,
             message: str = "Happy new year!",
     ) -> Annotated[Path, bentoml.validators.ContentType("video/*")]:
         greeting_message = await self.stablelm.enhance_message(message)

         sdxl_prompt_tmpl = "a happy and heart-warming greeting card based on greeting message {message}"
         sdxl_prompt = sdxl_prompt_tmpl.format(message=greeting_message)

         # Run `txt2img` and `synthesize` operations in parallel
         audio_path, image = await asyncio.gather(

         image_path = os.path.join(context.temp_dir, "output.png")

         cmd = ["ffmpeg", "-loop", "1", "-i", str(image_path), "-i", str(audio_path), "-shortest"]
         output_path = os.path.join(context.temp_dir, "output.mp4")

         return Path(output_path)


bentoml.depends() is commonly used for interservice communication as it allows you to directly call the API methods of a BentoML Service within another Service as if they were local class functions. For more information, see Run distributed Services.

In this example, the .to_async property converts synchronous methods (txt2img and synthesize of SDXLTurboService and XTTSService respectively) into their asynchronous versions, enabling the generate_card method to perform multiple asynchronous operations concurrently with asyncio.gather.


Tasks in BentoML allow you to execute long-running operations in the background, managed via a task queue style API. These background tasks are ideal for scenarios like batch processing and image or video generation where you don’t need the results immediately or synchronously.

To define a task endpoint, use the @bentoml.task decorator in the Service constructor. For more information, see Async task queues.

Convert legacy Runners to a Service¶

Runners are a legacy concept in BentoML 1.1, which represent a computation unit that can be executed on a remote Python worker and scales independently. In BentoML 1.1, Services are defined using both Service and Runner components, where a Service could contain one or more Runners. Starting with BentoML 1.2, the framework has been streamlined to use a Python class to define a BentoML Service.

To minimize code changes when migrating from 1.1 to 1.2+, you can use the bentoml.runner_service() function to convert Runners to a Service. Here is an example:¶
import bentoml
import numpy as np

# Create a legacy runner
sample_legacy_runner = bentoml.models.get("model_name:version").to_runner()
# Create an internal Service
SampleService = bentoml.runner_service(runner = sample_legacy_runner)

# Use the @bentoml.service decorator to mark a class as a Service
    resources={"cpu": "2", "memory": "500MiB"},
    traffic={"timeout": 20},
# Define the BentoML Service
class MyService:
    # Integrate the internal Service using bentoml.depends() to inject it as a dependency
    sample_model_runner = bentoml.depends(SampleService)

    # Define Service API and IO schema
    def classify(self, input_series: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        # Use the internal Service for prediction
        result =
        return result